The Visual Arts program at Stockton University offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree in Studio Art. Students in the BFA select a concentration from Illustration, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, or Visual Communications (graphic design). The program also offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A., Studies in the Arts) degree in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts, Art Teacher Certification for K-12, and Art History. The education and mentoring of students in the visual arts and art history is our primary mission. In support of that mission we maintain a professionally staffed art gallery, through which the program offers exhibitions, lectures, panel presentations, and publications.
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Art gallery materials and documentation including exhibition announcements, brochures, photographs of opening event, installation images, and other…
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Creative Collaborations in Arts & Sciences
Booklet, Artist Information, Gaylord Shanilec's Recommended Reading List